Eye vision problems are very common these days. Thanks to the changed life style and various other reasons, more and more people suffer from such defects. Myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism are the 3 most common vision problems. Myopia is mainly seen in teenagers whereas astigmatism is a defect that would get corrected after a period of time in most cases. There is also another defect called cataract, which is the condition in which the eye lens would turn milky. This condition usually occurs when the person gets old. The solution to such defects is wearing corrective lenses. These lenses would correct the vision problem and the person would be able to see the objects clearly. Such lenses are available as spectacles or contact lenses. The problem is that these things would become a burden when the person goes for some activities like swimming or other sports activities. So here the only solution is to undergo a surgical process that would correct the defect. LASIK is ...