A very short introduction to LASIK surgery:
LASIK surgery is the most commonly opted surgical procedure for treating common visual problems such as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. It is the most famous procedure due to its faster recovery time, less frequent risks associated with the surgery and highly precise result for most of the patients. The good thing with this surgical procedure is this surgery offers more than 95% of success rates with no side effects. Millions of people are undergoing LASIK eye surgery every year. If you also choose to have a LASIK eye surgery, it is very crucial to find competent and experienced eye care specialist for correcting your surgery.
Skill needed to do a LASIK surgery without glitch:
Although it may sound easy to do a LASIK surgery, technically it is not. Technically, LASIK surgery is more difficult than other similar refractive surgery. Hence, a doctor should have lots of experience in LASIK surgery. Flap creation and repositioning of Flap is the most difficult part of the surgery. It has to be done with extreme caution by the competent surgeon. LASIK surgeon should also make sure that the entire eye tests have been taken into consideration. Perfect eye surgeon should not even miss those tiny details and should do his best to eliminate or decrease the risks associated with the surgery.
Finding competent LASIK eye surgeon:
Before finding competent eye surgeon, you should choose an eye care clinic with good reputation. The latter part is not as difficult as former. You can find a reputable eye clinic through extensive internet research, chatting with the old patients and visiting the centre in person. Some of the general guidelines to choose a reputable clinic are
1. Never fall into unbelievable or unreasonable marketing claims. For instance, there are always risks associated with any type of surgery and even the greatest doctor would fail sometimes. Hence, never believe in 100% claims.
2. Check whether the centre provides exhaustive test or not. You should be subjected to at least six different type of tests to test your eyes completely. If the centre is keen in scheduling LASIK surgery as soon as possible, you should be extra cautious and do research again from the scratch.
3. Cost is not factor to decide. Never look for the centre that provides cheaper option.
Once you have zeroed into the correct LASIK eye centre, it’s the time to choose the reliable eye surgeon. Go through the vision centre’s website and note the educational qualification of the doctor and verify his qualification with the third party. Fortunately, almost all country maintains the list of doctors in the country in a webpage and anyone can verify a doctor’s qualification in government’s website. Make sure that the doctor is using high precise LASER for the treatment. Configuration and accuracy of the LASER can be verified in the internet. Verify the doctor’s experience and reputation by extensive internet research through forums and blogs. If you are lucky enough to find an old patient of this doctor, ask him about his experience. Never get influenced by a single person’s opinion.
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